An die Melancholie (1871) To Melancholy (1871) In November 1869, Cosima Wagner asked Nietzsche to help her obtain a Christmas present, a print of Albrecht Drer's Melancolia 1, for Richard Wagner (who was fond of Drer's works). Nietzsche bought a copy for her in June 1870. Claiming an abandoned vehicle or vessel. When an abandoned vehicle or vessel is taken into custody, the owner and any secured party (most often a lending institution) are notified by mail of the vehicle or vessel's status and location. Best luxury shopping addresses in Bangkok and Thailand (Hua Hin, Prachuap and Phuket Island) 2018: tips for tailors, shopping malls, low cost tailors, prestigious brands, food, handicraft By the team of FIRST CLASS AROUND THE WORLD, the leading luxury travel magazine on the Internet. 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