• Ez a szcikk (vagy szakasz) leginkbb egy rajongi oldalra hasonlt. Segts te is trni a cikket, pldul a flsleges vagy irrelevns listk, magasztalsok, idzetek reduklsval, szksg szerint trlsvel, illetve a szveg tfogalmazsval gy, hogy a cikk egy kvlll szmra is knnyen rthet legyen. Heiraten Alleine das Wort erzeugt bei Jack Singer (Nicolas Cage) schiere Panik. Nicht, dass er etwa unter Bindungsngsten litt seit Jahren ist er seiner Dauerfreundin Betsy (Sarah Jessica Parker) treu. A soldout screening of the Nicolas Cage revenge film Mandy will close the Fantasia International Film Festival. Fantasia Nicolas Cage est un acteur, ralisateur et producteur de cinma amricain n le 7 janvier 1964 Long Beach (). Rvl avec Birdy d'Alan Parker (1985) et par les films d'auteur Arizona Junior, Sailor et Lula et Leaving Las Vegas (qui lui a valu l'Oscar du meilleur acteur), il enchane avec des films d'action comme Rock, Volteface et 60 secondes chrono. Actor Nicolas Cage, star of such films as 'Moonstruck' and 'The Rock, ' is known for his intense on and offscreen personality, as well as his passion for method acting. Nicolas Cage was born Nicolas Kim Coppola in Long Beach, California, the son of comparative literature professor August Coppola (whose brother is director Francis Ford Coppola) and dancerchoreographer Joy Vogelsang. He is of Italian (father) and Polish. Even before Nicolas Cage does a line of coke off a shard of broken glass in Mandy, the movie is batshit crazy. Panos Cosmatos followup to his wacky debut, Beyond the Black Rainbow. Nicolas Cages superhero dreams are finally coming true, though probably not as he expected them to. Just a few months after we found out hell finally get to play Supermanin the animated. Michael Bay's early entry in his career still proves to be his best. The Rock is an absolute, ridiculous blast from start to finish, with great turns by Nic Cage, Sean Connery and a whole bunch of familiar faces rounding the film out. Hij werd geboren als Nicolas Kim Coppola in Long Beach, Californi, als zoon van hoogleraar in de literatuurwetenschap August Coppola en choreografe Joy Vogelsang. Zijn grootvader is de componist Carmine Coppola. Zijn vader is de broer van regisseur Francis Ford Coppola en actrice Talia Shire. Hij veranderde vroeg in zijn carrire zijn naam, om niet te profiteren van het succes van. Cage was born in Long Beach, California, to August Coppola, a professor of literature, and Joy Vogelsang, a dancer and choreographer. He was raised in a Catholic family. His father was of Italian descent and his mother was of German. Police officer Nicolas Cage gets himself in a heap of trouble in the 211 trailer. The film finds Cage in the middle of one of the longest and bloodiest bank heists in history. With Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, John Spencer. A mildmannered chemist and an excon must lead the counterstrike when a rogue group of military men, led by a renegade general, threaten a nerve gas attack from Alcatraz against San Francisco. The Rock is a 1996 American action thriller film directed by Michael Bay, produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer, and written by David Weisberg and Douglas S. The film stars Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage and Ed Harris, with William Forsythe and Michael Biehn costarring. It is dedicated to Simpson, who died five months before its release. The film received moderately positive reviews. The quirkiest thriller since Blood Simple, RED ROCK WEST stars Nicolas Cage, Dennis Hopper and LaraFlynn Boyle in an offbeat mystery about an average guy who is mistaken for a professional hitman. Unwatchable even by the subterranean standards of a directtovideo Nicolas Cage thriller, director York Shackletons 211 is the kind of lowgrade schlock that leaves you with a newfound. Nicholas Kim Coppola, alias Nicolas Cage, est n le 7 janvier 1964 Long Beach en Californie. Il est le fils d'un professeur de littrature applique et d'une chorgraphe. Over the past few years, Nicolas Cage hasnt been making very good choices when it comes to the movies in which he chooses to star. Its a bummer that the man who starred in the likes of. Nicolas Cage, eigentlich Nicholas Kim Coppola ( 7. Januar 1964 in Long Beach, Kalifornien) ist ein USamerikanischer Schauspieler, Filmproduzent und OscarPreistrger. Er ist der Neffe des Filmregisseurs und produzenten Francis Ford Coppola und der Schauspielerin Talia Shire Nicolas Cage. Born: 7Jan1964 Birthplace: Long Beach, CA. Gender: Male Religion: Roman Catholic Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occ. Nicolas Cage made his film debut in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, made when he was 17, and in the credits he is listed by his given name, Nicolas. Check out the most important page every created on the Internet. The complete Nicolas Cage filmography and ratings, a movies list for the ages. Oct 10, 2018Nicolas Cage box office breakdown and upcoming movies..