• To allI just discovered your site when i linked off of Detroit Memories thru WKNRS site. I looked it over and im very impressed. I was involved with Tom Knights venture, Jukebox Memories, in 1995 and for a short time was a character in some of Toms programs. I have a good recording of one of Spinning Smittys Remember When shows with Bo Brown assisting on mic. We had a wonderful performance of a new work for les 100 guitares, entitled Flamme dAlban, which was realized on the evening of the summer soltice, 23 June 2018 in Le Havre. The Kristen Archives are a free erotic story resource for consenting adults. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff Josef Albers ( l b r z, l; German: ; March 19, 1888 March 25, 1976) was a Germanborn American artist and educator whose work, both in Europe and in the United States, formed the basis of modern art education programs of the twentieth century. Jamaican political leader, who was a staunch proponent of the Black nationalism and PanAfricanism movements, founder the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIAACL), founder of the Black Star Line, which promoted the. Alexander Calder was born in 1898, the second child of artist parentshis father was a sculptor and his mother a painter. Because his father, Alexander Stirling Calder, received public commissions, the family traversed the country throughout Calder's childhood. I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You for the marvelous work you have done in preserving the Memories of the Martin B26 Marauder and ALL of the crew members who flew aboard them during WWII. Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and Philly. Bob Dylan Expecting Rain is one of the pioneer sites on the Web dealing with Bob Dylan, his music, influences, records (including unofficial ones) and the latest concert reviews. Most of the material has appeared on the Net in the rec. There is also a DylanChat and the BDX, an exhibition of Dylan art by Dylan fans. The Bob Dylan Who's Who contains information on. Janet Allen was the first woman elected to the South Bend Common Council. She was reelected to the position and then, at age 67, she was the Republican nominee for mayor. Very active in community affairs, she was a vocal critic of matters she believed were not in the interests of South Bend, and she closely scrutinized the budgeting and spending of public funds. At the start Curved air were treated with suspicion due in part to their first LP being one of the very first picture discs and their massive signing advance of 100, 000 an eye watering sum at the time, they were seen as a hyped band, unfairly maybe but that feeling persistent up until 2nd Album which confirmed them as one of the most important acts of the early 70's prog explosion. Welcome to the Cleveland, Ohio Radio Archive. We are a group of dedicated industry professionals whose mission is to research and preserve Northeast Ohio's rich cultural history in radio and television, and make as much of it available as possible through the Internet and various publications. Created by Mike Olszewski WebMasters. formerly The Phil Shaun Show Much of the archived material found on these pages was cowritten by Phil Davies. Phil still occasionally contributes articles to the Rockabilly Hall of Fame. 90Day Archives: Intermedia Labs HQ Turns 1 Quiz App Celebrates Its First Anniversary From MacRumors: This past Sunday, August 26, marked the oneyear anniversary of HQ Trivia's launch on the App Store for iPhone. Digable Planets In the early '90s, Digable Planets brought their hipster jazzy grooves and beatnik flavored rhymes to the top of the charts with 'Cool Like Dat. ' The group has reformed after a 10 year hiatus to bring the Brooklyn buzz back to clubs. At Ace of Spades, Sacramento A List of Collage Art Links: Links to Collage Artists Sites on the Internet. National Treasure is a series of political theatrical adventure mystery films produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and starring Nicolas Cage as Benjamin Gates, a treasure hunter who, with the help of his father, Patrick Henry Gates (), his girlfriend, Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger) and his loyal sidekick, Riley Poole (Justin Bartha), uncovers hidden troves and secrets from U. Sentencings Near for Former Wilmington Trust Executives. Four former executives for the only financial institution to be criminally charged in connection with the federal bank bailout program. Naxos Classical Archives in quality cd, top classical music compilation. Classical Music repertoire in cds with reviews and updated news about recommended cds and classical music. Authentic Marco Polo at a discounted rate from Naxos. Frances (Franziska) Brewster passed away on July 31, 2009. She was born in Oakland, Calif. In the early 1960s, Frances studied art and found what would become her passion in life. Personalized learning is not the solution. Sprinkle the phrase personalized learning into virtually any conversation or speech regarding education, and. Heres a chance to help out someone who has given his all for the custom Read More May 9th, 1970 SALUTE TO RADIO MONTH PART 2. PROGRAM 2: LIGHTS OUT ( ) The Coffin in Studio B by Wyllis Cooper. A story within a story offering a look at the behindthescenes of radio broadcasting. The Painters and Sculptors Grant Program was established in 1993 to acknowledge painters and sculptors creating work of exceptional quality through unrestricted career support. FM was a band dogged by misfortune during their critical early years, not the least of which was their propensity to sign with previously reliable record labels just before they went belly up, sort of like the hapless investor who always buys high and sells low. For a list of guests, performers, and attending professionals ordered by confirmation date, please click here. Back to Top Looking for a female soul artist probably in the 70s or 80s. The only details are as follows 1, slow song with a low voiced female soul singer and a full background of musical instruments. Student must be the designated alto saxophone chair in the University Concert Band.